Monday, September 29, 2008



Don't you hate those awful ads that pollute your internet perusing? Well guess what? Ringers are a lucrative business. And with that, I might add, I plan to make billions off of these puppies.

Here are the two ringers I produced:
Ringer 1 (15 sec)
Ringer 2 (20 sec)

Ringer 1- Using sound I recorded at an open mic, I took the chorus of the song, which is sung 3 times, and layered it over itself. I did a lot of finer cuts to get the timing right, because the singer (yours truly) didn't sing it in the exact same tempo each time. After getting the timing down, I modified the pitch on two of the tracks— one to play up a major 3rd, and the other to play an octave lower— leaving one of the three choruses as is. I also found a clap from an audience member and repeated it on beat.

Ringer 2- Combining two of my favorite songs using samples was really fun. I used "You Shook Me" by Led Zeppelin and mashed it with Marvin Gaye's "Got to Give it Up". I cut "You Shook Me" to match the beat of "Got to Give it Up," and then I rearranged, repeated, and did a variety of other modifications to it (pitch change, reverb, etc.). I kept the sample from "Got to Give it Up" as is. Though it was a bad recording so, I used Frequency to cut out some of the high frequencies (buzzing).

Hope you like em!

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